Fulgazi Upazila

Upazila of Fulgazi

Fulgazi is an Upazila of
Feni District in the Division
of Chittagong,
Bangladesh. It is situated
in the northern part of
Feni and is noted as the
ancestral place of two-
time former prime
minister of Bangladesh,
Begum Khaleda
Zia .Natural beauty of this
upazila is amazing. The
rivers Muhuri, Selonia,
and Kahuya increase its
Fulgazi Upazilla is under
Feni district. South
Sreepur is one of the
renowned and largest
union under fulgazi
upazilla. New Munshir hat
is another renowned
union under Fulgazi
upzilla. Noted journalist A.
B. M. Musa and valiant
freedom fighter Zafar
Imam Bir Bikram were
born in this union.
Jammura a frontier village
under New Munshir hat
union is renowned for its
industrious people who
built up a bridge over the
river Silonia without
government assistance in


This upazila is locked by
India on two sides, east
and west. Prarashuram
upazila is in its north on
the other hand
Chagalnaiya is in its south.
West frontier union is
New Munshir Hat and east
frontier Union is


Fulgazi upazila has a Six Union.They are (1).Fulgazi,(2).Munshir Hat,(3).Dorbar Pur,(4).Amjadhat,(5).GM Hat,(6).Annanda Pur. Every Union has a Chairman, male members and female members.Fulgazi upazila First Chairman is Ekramul Hauqe,Vice-Chairman is Onil
and women Vice-Chairman is Selina Baschu.
But Court diclerd
Haque was cancel
of Fulgazi upazila
chairman.And court
also diclerd
that,new upazila
chairman is Minar
Hossain in the time of July,2011. Because
Eqramul haque
was charged
corrouption during
the upzilla election


Fulgazi upazila construction begun in 5,Noveber 2002.It was open of our P.M. Begum Khaleda Zia.